Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Piccola Sofia, before and after
Sofia at 8 weeks (on 01/11/08)
From crown to rump she measures 1.1 cm
And now
Sofia at 20 weeks (on 04/08/08)
She is halfway developed. She is around 16 cm long, almost 15 times longer than she was at 8 weeks. Her humerus and femur bones are 30 and 31 mm respectively.
You can see her left hand here, along with what many leading experts agree is the cutest profile ever.
Sofia's Ultrasound Videos*
There was alot of excitement and apprehension when it finally came time for the 20 week ultrasound. It had been 3 months since the first and only other ultrasound at 8 weeks, and since then we'd had our fair share of first-time parent questions.
When we got the first glimpse of her perfect little foot we were all ecstatic.**
*Camera use was forbidden during the ultrasound, but I surreptitiously took these shots. Understandibly, the video quality isn't great.
Sofia's little fist:
A view from the side, what a tiny spine and head!
A good view from the side. You can see her face and head, her spine, her little heart beating, and her legs. Wow.
Happy mom, dad and grandmother. Life is good.
**Actually the ultrasound tech wasn't so excited, or even remotely interested. She was silent unless you asked what you were seeing. Her response was a long sigh followed by a monosyllabic answer. Somewhere a women's prison is short one guard.